How It Works

Online High School


Because OHVA is part of the public school system, it’s tuition-free. Enrolled families receive the K12 curriculum, as well as a loaner computer, printer, and internet stipend.

Who can attend?

The Ohio Virtual Academy (OHVA) high school program serves students in grades 9–12 who reside in the state of Ohio.

What is my role as a parent?

In high school, students complete most of their work independently. Parents continue to serve as their child’s Learning Coach to support their success. As a Learning Coach, you will

  • Help your child stay on track
  • Monitor completion of lessons and assessments
  • Communicate challenges with your child’s teacher as needed
Average time for High school graphic

Working with Your Teacher

Students work with their teachers and other classmates during “Class Connect” sessions. In “Class Connect” sessions, students

  • Receive live instruction from teachers
  • Interact with classmates
  • Ask questions and receive real-time support

Students can interact with their teachers and classmates by

  • Typing in the chat
  • Speaking over their microphone
  • Typing and drawing with online whiteboard features
  • Joining small group breakouts to work on projects or receive targeted instruction

Expectations for Completing Schoolwork

The following expectations are in place for high schoolers to ensure students are progressing academically:

  • Students must earn a passing grade of 70% or above on assignments.
  • Students must meet the assigned due dates of lessons and assessments.
  • Students must attend live, teacher-led “Class Connect” sessions.
  • Students must complete online lessons and can work on these any time of day.

Attending “Class Connect” sessions and completing coursework according to the assigned pacing schedule will help your student be successful.

In addition to regular classroom instruction, teachers offer support or small group sessions to assist student learning.

Time Commitment

High school students are expected to spend 6 hours per course per week. A student who takes 5 courses and spends 6 hours per week on each one is devoting approximately 30 hours per week to their course work.

High School

  • 6 hours daily
  • Most work is online

Graduation Requirements

Students must complete a minimum of 20 credits in order to graduate. Students are considered on track for graduation based on the following minimum credit guidelines: 

Grade LevelBeginning of the YearEnd of the Year
Freshman – 9th Grade0 Credits5 Credits
Sophomores – 10th Grade5 Credits10 Credits
Juniors – 11th Grade10 Credits15 Credits
Seniors – 12th Grade15 Credits20 Credits


Thank you to all our families for your commitment to getting your child to mandatory state testing!

ACT Testing for 11th Graders:

A Day in the Life of Online Students

Want to learn more about the daily life of an online middle school student? Meet Lily and Arianna!

Video Thumbnail


Upon enrollment or re-registration, parents agree to follow the Learning Coach/Parent Compact, which includes the requirement to attend state F2F testing:

My student will participate in all required state achievement and diagnostic testing. It is my responsibility to provide transportation to and from the test site(s). Testing dates are determined by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (ODEW).

Stay Informed

OHVA principals and counselors send testing information to your student’s email. Watch for these email notices and contact your student’s principal at any time when you have questions about state testing.